Wednesday, April 15, 2020

LED TV - Clouding

The problem of uneven lighting is usually called "clouding". This is because the light distribution gives the image cloud-like, bright areas. Unfortunately, the problem is not something that can be fixed, but you can minimize the experience of it by changing the TV's picture settings.

The clouding problem is most evident in dark scenes, which can make it difficult to notice at a demonstration at a major electronics store (without any dedicated and authentically illuminated home theater). We therefore recommend that all TV buyers read several reviews about an intended TV before the purchase!
How tangible the clouding problem is can also vary between different copies of the same TV model. It is also usually not considered to be a fault covered by the warranty. People who are sensitive to this type of problem should therefore carefully check the TV retailer's terms of open purchase.

Simulated example of "clouding". The example is exaggerated for the sake of clarity!

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LED TV - Clouding

The problem of uneven lighting is usually called "clouding".  This is because the light distribution gives the image cloud-like, ...